Predicted % Signal peptide content:
0 %
(0 residues)
Predicted % membrane content:
14 %
(51 residues)
Homology modelling was successful
Graphical Alignment of Soluble PDB Homologs:
Graphical Alignment of Transmembrane PDB Homologs:
H = Helix E = Beta Strand C = Coil T = Membrane helix B = Membrane strand S = Signal peptide c = Cleavage site Line 1 = sequence (single letter IUPAC code, 60 characters per line) Line 2 = secondary structure (H, E or C) Line 3 = confidence score (0-9, 0 = low, 9 = high)
Predicted Complete Secondary Structure:
A '*' character above the overall prediction indicates the homolog's structure was used at this
Proteus2 uses a "Jury of Experts" approach involving predictions from PSIPRED (
1999 ),
et al., 2000), TRANSSEC (a locally developed tool), and structural alignment (
Following is the predicted secondary structure from each component.